Thursday, 15 April 2010

Personal Statement Dread

What do you put on a personal statement? This is my current preoccupation. I'm getting my act together and filling out my Masters application, and I've got to the dreaded personal statement section. I have no idea what to write. Apart from "I never know what to write here. Please, please, please give me a place on this course." Do you think that'd do?
It's not just academic forms that require one, most of the job applications I've filled out while on my quest to find gainful employment insist on one too. I worry about how I come across. Me in real life, and me on an application form are so completely different. Real Me is slightly manic, talks a mile a minute, is outgoing and fun (I think!). Application form Me is a bit flat, struggles to describe herself and definitely doesn't seem to be saying Employee of the Year material right here folks!! Which is of course, exactly what I'm trying to get across. I just wish that someone would get my CV or application form (all 3 million pages of it!) and ring me up to either interview me there and then or to make an appointment to actually meet me and speak to me before dismissing the form I spent ages sweating over.
So, now all I have to do is work out what to say this time round. The course is at my old uni, and the convening tutor told me not to worry too much about the personal statement, but I do. I want to write something that expresses why this course is important to me, what Roehampton (the uni) means to me and why they need to give me a place ASAP, all without sounding a bit pathetic and weird. Well, weird is a word I hear a lot in conjunction with myself so I might let that slide. But I definitely don't want to sound pathetic. Argh!!! I hate all these stupid forms.

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