Sunday 1 August 2010

One of these days, we'll have it all worked out...

On my noticeboard there's a postcard and it says "Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty". It's something I'd like to live up to, that kindness can come in any form and that beauty can be found anywhere is something that speaks to me.
I've been trying to write more, not less, that's what writers do, right. I consider myself a writer, words are what I know best, I can't draw or paint, I'm not musical, but I can give you words, quotes or lines of poetry. One of my favourite lines comes from Carol Ann Duffy's 'Little Red-Cap', "words, words were truly alive on the tongue, in the head/warm, beating, frantic, winged; music and blood."* It sums up how I feel about words, the reason I read so obsessively, perhaps, is to collect the words up, keeping them safe for when I need them, to comfort, to advise, to amuse and entertain.
So maybe that's my gift, my senseless act of beauty, to find words and find uses for them, a random act of kindness, when others need those words.
It just might take me a little while to find the words I need, for me.

*From her collection The World's Wife


  1. i tried to reply to your comment on my blog, but it seems you haven't listed your email on blogger. i explain how to do it in this post:

    that way people can reply directly to your comments, and you can reply to comments people leave you!

    p.s. and to actually reply to your comment, I haven't spent any time in the UK, but I'm sure it's much more "ahead" than either Spain or Italy :) I'd love to visit some day though!

  2. I don't really want to share my email with anyone, I've been the victim of several spam attacks and so I keep it private.

    Definitely come to the UK some time, it's a lovely island, teeming with people, some areas are slightly more 'backward' though, I'm a Londoner and it's probably the biggest melting pot in the country.


Let's chat.